Campbell Street Youth
Campbell Street Youth is on every Friday night during term from 7pm - 9pm. It is for school ages 7 - 12. CSY is a exciting, warm, welcoming space for teenagers to hang out, have fun and think through what faith in Jesus means for them today.
Lachie Fietz
Lachie’s role and focus at Campbell Street Church is Youth. Lachie organises, is the point of contact and loves everything to do with CSY.
Lachie’s heart is to see the youth of today know their worth and value that comes from knowing how much Jesus gave up for them at the cross.
A strong value of CSY is to be a welcoming, inclusive and safe place for all teenagers. - You can come as you are! We are a youth group centred around the hope of Jesus, and the goal is that the youth would know their value to God and His desire to do all of life in relationship with them.
7.00: Hang out, grab some food (not dinner) and check in.
7.20: Come together, youth updates, games & short talk from the bible.
7.50: Discussion groups (based on years).
8.10: All in game/challenge/activity.
9.00: End of night -
Youth does cost $30 per term, which covers food/prizes/activities. - If this is an issue, please reach out.
On a standard Friday there is no cost or need for the youth to bring any money along. - We do have activities and outings each term that may have a specific cost to the night. An email out to the parents will have all the details prior to the night.
Campbell Street Youth
Campbell Street Youth